
Monday, February 6, 2012

A mothful

Was lying peacefully under gale-force-winds fan on my couch last night (suffering from significant Sunday Blues after Cape Town Tens), in minimal clothing due to life-threatening heatwave, watching Downton Abbey (new favourite series) and scoffing down a Steers chocolate-and-caramel soft serve... when Mothzilla (directly proportionate to the size of a small albatross) flew in front on my fan and was blasted directly into my face! Of course, anyone's natural reaction would be to FREAK OUT COMPLETELY, THROW ICE CREAM ACROSS ROOM, PULL OFF VEST, MANICALLY SHAKE HEAD INCASE MOTH STUCK IN HAIR, RUN AROUND TOPLESS SPITTING OUT MOTH-WING DUST AND SLAPPING SELF RETARDEDLY INCASE MOTH FEEDING ON SKIN...

...Until finally coming to a halt and seeing giant human-eating Moth-ness Monster drowning in pool of runny icecream and chocolate sauce on carpet.

And yes, the neighbours were watching. Again.

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