
Thursday, July 3, 2014

A fresh and sparkly clean slate

I have moved to Joburg. Yip. Bet you never thought you'd hear that come outta my trap!

Incidentally, neither did I. But, this much is true - it's the best move I ever made. A totally fresh start. But fak me moving city is not for ants introverts. For a start, you have to be a yes man. It's the only way to solidify your totally awesome presence in a colossal city, and the only way to meet new potential life-long friends husband/s. Which means minimal nights embedded in fluffy couch in new flat, with the Mouse Cat, painting toenails, entranced by the tele and inhaling hot chocolate. It means work - gym - rave - repeat. ;)

So. What's been happening? I now work for a food magazine. I love food. However, my passion for magazines continues to decrease, while my waistline begins to increase. The counter is constantly lined with finger-lickin' saliva-inducing nosh fit for a king me. You can't say no. As a result, have upped my gym routine from 4 days a week... to every day of my life... since the gym culture in Joburg is somewhat inspiring, at the same time as it is intimidating and pressurising. You feel bad if you don't go. But bad when you do go - because her waist is about as wide as my wrist.

I now live in a quaint little flatty-wats with my wonderful and most bestest Bree and, due to absurd car insurance increases when we moved to Joburg (obviously), we mostly dine on tinned soup and power through the our complimentary booze cabinet (which the previous owners left behind) before we head out at night. Then hope to God a strapping young suit in private equity will offer to buy us drinks, or a bottle of Veuve (which happens... often!). Oh, how I love Jozi.

I also happen to live all of 10 metres from work and could practically pole vault into the office, if my heart so desired. I have to pick very carefully which 15 seconds of which songs I will listen to en route. In my quest for the job of my dreams, have applied to get my PGCE so that I can teach little kiddies.... Stay tuned.

This city, for now, is my playground. I am in my late 20s and it's high time I made the most of it. So watch out Gautengers... this Jolly Olive is here for a kiki.

Watch this space for many Veuve-induced shindig stories. I have many already... but thought I'd ease back into my antics, for new readers/followers who don't quite know what I'm capable of.

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